Saturday, September 25, 2010

“Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.” ~Samuel Johnson

Ask Better Questions

If you want better answers, ask better questions. I most recently heard that by listening to a Tony Robbins CD (1), but I’ve heard it before. The thing is, with all good advice, if you don’t hear it often, it falls under the waves. So, I’m here to repeat it.

“If you want better answers, ask better questions.”



Tangible Goals

By writing goals onto paper, magic happens. They go from being abstract to being real. They go from being nice-to-have to being things-to-do.

At the beginning of 2010, I put down several goals, including some financial ones. They were a stretch, and not SMART goals, but close enough. As I started hitting them, I saw that I could do even bigger things, if I wanted to work on those goals for 2011. Combined with my ideas about asking better questions, I found that you can really get far if you write your goals down.

Other references:



Silence as a Business Edge

I worked with silence yesterday. I didn’t look at my email until after 11. I didn’t check into Twitter until much later. I didn’t play the radio in the car. I didn’t turn on my amazing Sonos S5 player at my office when I got there in the afternoon. I just stayed silent.

BMW Will Integrate iPads |

This is really cool!

BMWs will soon feature iPad docking bays on back seats, which swivel and rotate. Using ConnectedDrive, the car will act as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, allowing iPads and other devices to connect online. Bye bye to those displays...

Tilt-Shift Van Gogh |

While Vincent Van Gogh was an Impressionist painter, I've always found his artwork to be pretty surreal, with his daub-paint effect warping landscapes. Artist Serena Malyon bent their reality even more, adding tilt-shift photography effects to 16 of his popular works. Here you can see 11 beautiful examples: