Five Rules to Make Your Professional Employment Reference an Asset:
It makes good business sense – and respectful professional etiquette – to stay in touch with your former bosses, as your efforts to stay connected with past employers could pay dividends many times over when they provide you with favorable professional references.
Given the ongoing upheaval in the nation’s job market, this timely advice comes from Heidi Allison, Managing Director of Allison & Taylor, the nation’s oldest professional reference checking firm. “If you were planning to hire someone and his or her former boss did not return your call looking for a professional reference, what message would that convey? In today’s highly competitive job market, people pay so much attention to their resumes and interview skills but, unfortunately, many fail to nurture their professional references that can make or break a successful job search.”
The most important rule for job seekers is to never leave your professional references to chance. If you are not 100 percent convinced that your professional references and past employers will relay positive comments about you to prospective employers, consider having them checked out. A professional reference-checking firm can either put your mind at ease, or supply you with the critical information and evidence that may be blocking your job search efforts.
So, what happens if a professional reference is indeed providing unfavorable or inaccurate information on a candidate to a prospective employer? Note there are indeed available remedies for such situations.
“Our firm hears poor to bad references on a daily basis,” says Allison. “We work with clients to explore the options available to them to assure their professional references portray them in the best light possible. The key is to first know what people are saying about them and then proactively addressing the situation as necessary.”
To enhance the chances of always landing the next job one wants, Allison suggests job seekers of all professional backgrounds follow these “Golden Rules of Job Reference Etiquette”:
Remaining humanly connected in an exponentially increasing, complex and changing world. That's where we will begin!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
5 Rules to Make Your Reference an Asset
Get Ready for BYOA (Build Your Own App)
While core enterprise systems such as ERP and CRM won't go away, they will increasingly be supplemented by more applications built to address specific business needs. However, it's who will do the development, not the process itself, that's the really radical part. Rather than creating application code, IT pros will instead design tools, objects and environments that will enable business users to build their own apps. Read more >
How Do You Differentiate Yourself?
Now that Nearly Every One is Social, How Do You Differentiate Yourself?
Facebook has over 600 million active users, and nearly 50% of those users are active on a daily basis. If Facebook was a country, it would be the third-largest in the world. Though hard to believe, it’s a reality that social media didn’t have any takers few years back and now there seems to be no room left on the overcrowded social media bandwagon. Twitter, too has come off age in the last couple of years, growing at a scorching pace.
While social media adoption in the business world is a mixed bag, it’s more of a norm rather than an exception in our personal lives. So, how do you stand out from the social media crowd? How do you ensure that your social efforts don’t end up being just another Facebook or Twitter profile with no rhyme or reason? Here are some tips on how to play the “It’s different” trump card for your social media efforts.