Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The 12 Scams of Christmas |

Consumers would be wise to beware of the most common scams of the season before heading online to book travel and do holiday shopping. McAfee (NYSE: MFE) has revealed the “Twelve Scams of Christmas” – the 12 most dangerous online scams that computer users should be cautious of this holiday season.

“Scams continue to be big business for cybercriminals who have their sights set on capitalizing on open hearts and wallets this holiday season,” said Dave Marcus, director of security research for McAfee Labs. “As people jump online to look for deals on gifts and travel, it’s important to recognize common scams to safeguard against theft during the busy season ahead.”

McAfee advises Internet users to follow these five tips to protect their computers and personal information:

* Stick to well-established and trusted sites that include trust marks (icons or seals from third parties verifying that the sites are safe), user reviews and customer support. A reputable trust mark provider will have a live link attached to its trust mark icon, which will take visitors to a verification website of the trust mark provider.

* Do not respond to offers that arrive in a spam e-mail, texts or instant messages.

* Preview a link’s Web address before you click on it to make sure it is going to an established site. Never download or click anything from an unknown source.

* Stay away from vendors that offer prices well below the norm. Don’t believe anything that’s too good to be true.

* Make sure to use trusted Wi-Fi networks. Don’t check bank accounts or shop online if you’re not sure the network is safe.

McAfee (NYSE: MFE) Reference:

A new philosophy about failure…? | Change your thoughts

Everyday we should be getting better and better with what we do. It is futile to wait for things to be perfect. Perfection takes a lifetime!

Video: Safely edit the Windows Registry with these five tips | TR Dojo |

Editing the Windows registry is sometimes the quickest way to fix a problem or tweak the operating system to meet your needs. But unless you follow a few safety practices, it can also be a quick route to disaster. During this episode of TR Dojo, I share five tips to help you safely edit the Windows Registry.