Sunday, October 31, 2010

The top 10 Android smartphones (for now) | 10 Things |

A hot new Android phone seems to hit the market almost every week. To help you sort through them all, Jason Hiner put together this list of the 10 best Android smartphones, based on the quality and value of each device.

Because there’s a stampede of Android smartphones barreling into the market — including both excellent models and a few duds — many people feel a little overwhelmed when trying to choose one. I get a lot of the “Would you get this one or that one?” questions and requests to rank my favorites. So I decided to do something a little dangerous — create a leaderboard of my top 10 Android picks. It’s dangerous because this is very subjective stuff. The smartphone that is the best fit for you is going to depend heavily on your needs and preferences.

But since I’ve had my paws on virtually all the Android devices, and I’ve written reviews of the best ones, I’m going to rank them in terms of overall quality, with much more emphasis placed on the smartphones themselves than on the wireless carriers they’re tied to.

I’m also going to keep this leaderboard up to date. So as I review new Android devices and decide they deserve a place in the top 10, I will add them to this list and bump other phones down or off the list.

Caveat: This ranking is primarily U.S.-based. In each country/region, the telecom carriers tend to give these devices different names. You may be able to find a close match between many of the devices on this list and devices in your area, but not in all cases.

Note: This article originally appeared as an entry in our Tech Sanity Check blog. It’s also available as a PDF download.

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