Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Perseverance is not a long race: it is many short races one after another." ~Walter Elliot http://bit.ly/98mJua
@miad20 Hi Mia! Thanks for the follow http://bit.ly/a69QeR

Cold calling. Just another step in scareware evolution | Naked Security

Cold calls - the latest step in fake anti-virus evolution

Get Safe Online has revealed that one in four UK web users have been subjected to fake anti-virus cold calls. Is this surprising news? Fraser Howard takes a look at the various techniques that scareware has used over the past few years.

Free Mac Anti-Virus: We just can’t win.. | Naked Security

Free anti-virus for Mac users: A dastardly plot by Sophos?

Just *why* has Sophos released a free anti-virus for Mac home users? We've heard plenty of conspiracy theories, but if you haven't already guessed learn why we're giving it away for free. Also, be sure to check out an early indepth review of Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition.



How Your Brain Connects the Future to the Past - Jeff Brown and Mark Fenske - Your Health at Work - Harvard Business Review

3 Ways to Cultivate Your Proactive Brain

Studies have shown that a good memory helps you better navigate the future. And in business, anticipating and negotiating future demands is an asset. A proactive brain uses details from past experiences to make analogies with your current surroundings. It then helps you determine where you are and envision future possibilities. We are all born with proactive brains, but these three things can help improve brain performance:

1. Give it a lot to work with. Create a richer pool of information to draw from. Expose your brain to diverse experiences and situations.

2. Borrow from others. Find out as much as you can about others' experiences by talking, interacting with, and reading about other peoples' lives.

3. Let your mind wander. Undisturbed time gives your brain the space it needs to recall and recombine past experiences in ways that help you anticipate the future.

@SherryDekker Thank you for the follow Sherry! I look forward to your posts here on Amplify! Have a wonderful Tuesday! http://bit.ly/aHVUUX
@CovalentCPM Thank you for the follow Tricia. I look forward to your posts on Amplify! Have a stupendous Tuesday! ~Daniel http://bit.ly/9KrlXl