Monday, February 7, 2011

The next Wintel: Android plus NVIDIA | TechRepublic

Takeaway: Microsoft and Intel won’t be the same powerhouses in mobile that they were in PCs. The new leaders of the computing world will be Google Android and NVIDIA. Learn why.

Google Says, Honeycomb (Android 3.0) Won’t Be Coming To A Smartphone Near You, Just For Tablets » Antiroid

Google has confirmed that dreadful and unwanted news of Honeycomb not coming to your smartphone. A company spokesman was asked the question whether or not Honeycomb 3.0 would make its way to handsets, Andrew Kovacs said “no…Google’s Android 3.0 or “Honeycomb” is a tablet-only OS, for now.”

According to various portions of the SDK, it was clear that some aspects of the source code was clearly optimized for larger form factors. It raised numerous questions as to how this could possibly be delivered to handsets.

In an article The author raised the question that if Honeycomb is 3.0, what does this mean for smartphones running 2.x? And what happens when they get to 2.9? It seems as though, while one question was answered, a dozen more were conjured up. Only time will tell, as they say. But rest assured, Talk Android will be there to cover it all and inform the masses. Leave us your thoughts in the comments below.