Tuesday, November 30, 2010

@ufavor Thanks for following! I will be interested to hear about your TeamWork becomes DreamWork! http://bit.ly/hURRVs

Jotti's malware scan

Online malware scan: Jotti's malware scan is a free online scan service, utilising various anti-virus programs to diagnose single files.

I have tested this a pdf file that was just over 2MB (there is a 20MB limitation at this stage). It first allows you to upload the file from your system and then allows you to submit to 19 AntiVirus Scanners including the following:

See scanned result on TwitPic: http://twitpic.com/3bi6fk

Drive-by ransomware attack demands $120 | Naked Security

Malicious hackers are spreading ransomware, which encrypts media and Office files on victim's computers, in an attempt to extort $120. The attack - which is being seen in the wild - appears to have hit computer users via a drive-by vulnerability on compromised websites. Read more now about how the attack works, and ensure your anti-virus protection is up to date..

Lost laptop leads to first Data Protection Act fine for UK firm | Naked Security

Companies have been warned that they must wake up to the importance of encrypting their laptops, as the ICO issues the first fines to British organisations being sloppy with sensitive information, and breaching the Data Protection Act. Learn more now and ensure that your firm is taking data security seriously.

Apple Mac malware: A short history (1982-2010) | Naked Security

The threat may be much lower than on Windows, but more and more people are choosing to protect their Macs against malware. Learn about the viruses, worms, Trojans and scareware that have affected Apple computers. Did you know that there were viruses on Apple computers before they existed for PCs?

New Windows zero-day flaw bypasses UAC | Naked Security

A new zero-day exploit has been revealed in Windows that can lead to an elevation of privilege, enabling an attacker to impersonate the system account, which has nearly unlimited access to all components of the Windows system. Find out the details, learn what you might do to protect yourself and watch our exclusive video whilst waiting for Microsoft to create a fix.

Monday, November 29, 2010

“Little value comes out of the belief that people will respond progressively better by treating them progressively worse.” ~Eric Harvey http://bit.ly/hV3Nwg

WikiLeaks Is a Criminal Trafficker, Not a ‘Whistleblower’ | Blogs | ITBusinessEdge.com

When most of us think of whistleblowers, we think of people who are able to summon the courage and strength of character to publicize some wrongdoing that takes place within the organization that sustains them, often at the risk of retribution or personal loss. What WikiLeaks does is on the opposite end of the gallantry spectrum. It's as cowardly as it is criminal. Read more

The five most overhyped tech products of 2010 | Tech Sanity Check | TechRepublic.com

The pace of innovation in the technology industry quickened again in 2010, after stumbling momentarily in 2009 because of the global recession. The most potent sign of the rebound was the steady stream of new products, new technologies, and new ideas that pushed the previous boundaries and rethought the status quo.

Of course, innovation means taking risks and some of them — including some the most widely publicized — turn out to duds. And, even some of the most successful new products get overhyped and oversold.

That’s the subject of this week’s Monday morning editorial: the most overhyped products of 2010. Here’s my list.

Higher Ground Leaders Forum - Leading in the ER

Ken Byler shares some great leadership nuggets as witnessed from his own experience over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Ken is a partner and senior consultant with Higher Ground Consulting Group, LLC, a company that works with leaders who want to be inspiring and organizations that embrace them. He regularly leads seminars and training events locally and nationally. He is a contributing author to a family business book published in 2007. With more than 30 years of business experience, Ken is known for his ability to make learning fun and practical so that it gets results.

You can follow Ken on Twitter @kenbyler

U.S. Seizes Sites Linked to Copyright Infringement | thedailybrainstorm.com

By Xeno

Steven Musil – The U.S. government has launched a major crackdown on online copyright infringement, seizing dozens of sites linked to illegal file sharing and counterfeit goods.

Torrent sites that link to illegal copies of music and movie files and sites that sell counterfeit goods were seized this week by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement division of the Department of Homeland Security. Visitors to such sites as Torrent-finder.com, 2009jerseys.com, and Dvdcollects.com found that their usual sites had been replaced by a message that said, “This domain name has been seized by ICE–Homeland Security Investigations, pursuant to a seizure warrant issued by a United States District Court.”

“My domain has been seized without any previous...

Read more:

"Passion--it's the driving force that you just can't ignore. It's what will make your new adventure seem more like fun, than work. It's the difference between wanting to start a business and craving it." ~Mac Anderson http://bit.ly/ikpoLP

Great poem to start a Monday! With special thanks to @iOasis YES YOU CAN!


If you think you are beaten, you are,

If you think you dare not, you don't.

If you like to win, but you think you can't,

It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost,

For out in the world we find,

Success begins with a fellow's will.

It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,

You've got to think high to rise,

You've got to be sure of yourself before

You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go

To the stronger or faster man.

But soon or late the man who wins,

Is the man who thinks he can.


Do you have goals? Are you getting them accomplished? Need ideas? Check out iOasis on facebook:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

“Promise yourself to talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.” ~The Optimist Creed http://bit.ly/eBbvwt
Whatever your circumstances, never underestimate your ability to impact others. ~Aly and Andrea http://bit.ly/glWl3O


Most definitely one of the best ballads of all time!

Amplify’d from www.youtube.com
One of the best love ballads of all time!


See more at www.youtube.com

Nights Are Forever Without You - England Dan & John Ford Coley

Another great track by this duo... Enjoy!

Amplify’d from www.youtube.com

Nights Are Forever Without You - England Dan & John Ford Coley

See more at www.youtube.com

“I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody.” ~Benjamin Franklin http://bit.ly/dWeJWu

Love, Leadership, & Submission by Dr Gary Chapman

Love, Leadership, & Submission

Deadlock Decisions

Most counselors agree that one of the greatest problems in marriage is decision-making. Visions of democracy dance in the minds of many young couples, but when there are only two voting members, democracy often results in deadlock. How does a couple move beyond deadlock? The answer is found in one word - love.

Love always asks the question, "What is best for you?" Love does not demand it's own way. Love seeks to bring pleasure to the one loved. That is why Christians should have less trouble making decisions than non-Christians. We are called to be lovers. When I love my wife, I will not seek to force my will upon her for selfish purposes.

The Head and the Helpmate

The biblical idea of the husband being the head of the wife has been one of the most exploited concepts of the Bible. Christian husbands, full of self-will, have made all kinds of foolish demands of their wives under the authority of "The Bible says...." Headship does not mean that the husband has the right to make all the decisions and inform the wife of what is going to be done.

She is called to be a "helpmate". The word means "helper". How can she be a helper if she has no opportunity to share her ideas? "Two are better than one," the Scriptures say. That is certainly true in decision-making. Why would a husband want to make a decision limited to his own wisdom when God has given him a helper?

Unity and Order

When Christians discuss husband/wife roles they often quote 1 Cor. 11:3 which says, "The head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man." They often stop quoting at that point, but the very next phrase says, "The head of Christ is God." Obviously referring to God the Father. Are God the Father, and God the Son equally God? Yes. Yet, within the trinity there is order.

As the head, does the Father ever force the Son to do anything? No. Does the Son ever act independently of the Father? No. There is perfect unity. That is the design for Christian marriage: husbands and wives working together as a team, with the husband as the recognized leader.

Understanding Male Leadership Biblically

I am fully aware that many contemporary Christians reject the idea of male leadership in the marriage. I think it is because they misunderstand the biblical concept of 'headship'. Male leadership in the home has nothing to do with superiority. It has to do with order among equals. God's design is that the husband will love his wife as Christ loves the church and make every sacrifice for her well-being.

Headship does not mean that the husband is more intelligent than the wife. It does not mean that the man is more valuable than the woman. And, it does not mean that the husband is to be a dictator. The great need of our day is for Christian leaders who will love, not dictators who demand.

Attitudes of Service

Many wives shudder when they hear the pastor say, "Turn in your Bible to Ephesians 5:22." Because they know that's the verse that says, "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord." "But you don't know my husband," they think. "But you don't understand submission," God must say. You see, submission is not a female word . . . it's a Christian word. Verse 21 says, "Submitting yourselves one to another."

The word to husbands about loving, and to wives about submitting, both call for an attitude of service. Submission does not mean that the wife must do all the giving. The husband is to give his life for her. Nor does it mean that she cannot express her ideas. The goal is unity which requires both to have an attitude of service.

Share your questions, thoughts, insights, or comments:

Join the conversation on Facebook at

Adapted from The Marriage You've Always Wanted by Dr. Gary Chapman.

“It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce.” ~Jack Brown’s Father http://bit.ly/fhHH9t
“Man’s mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes http://bit.ly/hFNYRz
“You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really livedare the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.” ~Henry Drummond http://bit.ly/gugtt3

Google exec: 60% of businesses could dump Windows for Chrome OS | Tech Sanity Check | TechRepublic.com

This is brave talk! Microsoft are doing some amazing things in the cloud at this stage. So this is going to be a long, cold, and tough war!

@hughbriss We live on disparate islands of social media. http://bit.ly/gi3Vsf
@hughbriss Thank you for the follow! I have enjoyed many of your conversations in the past! http://bit.ly/exF1ni
@onlinepro Thanks for the follow Oleg! I hope you appreciate my humor. I have been having some fun with Internet Marketing and Marketers. http://bit.ly/dIQjuS

England Dan & John Ford Coley, I'd really love to see you tonight, 1976

Oh, the memories!

Amplify’d from www.youtube.com

England Dan & John Ford Coley I'd really love to see you 1976

England Dan & John Ford Coley I'd really love to see you top of the pops uk gold repeat
.Hello, yeah it's been awhile
Not much, how 'bout you
I'm not sure why i'd called
I guess I really just wanted
To talk to you

and i was thinking maybe later on
we could be together for a while
it's been such a long time
and i really do miss your smile

**i'm not talking about the movin in
and i don't want to change your life
but there's a ward wind blowin the stars around
and i really love to see you tonight

we could go walkin to the windy park
take a drive along the beach
or stay home and watch tv
i see it really doesn't matter much to me

repeat **

i'll hold out for promises
but you don't have to lie
we both played the game before
say i love you then say goodbye

Read more at www.youtube.com

Friday, November 26, 2010

"I've learned to become adaptable to the coming of each season for every leaf that changes color, changes for a reason." ~Linda Ellis http://bit.ly/hn6h9q
"View change as the one constant in your life. Welcome it. Expect it. Anticipate it." ~Denis Waitley http://bit.ly/i4BU9b

How Many Internet Marketers Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb? | blog.hubspot.com

This blog is hilariously funny! I have added my own answer for the title:

How Many Internet Marketers Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

Nobody will really be able to change the light bulb until somebody actually buys the ebook. However, you would first have to sign up and join the team to lock in your position, this will then give you access to the training that people pay THOUSANDS of dollars for. And best of all you get it for just $19.95 per month! Also, you better HURRY, because they are running out of light bulbs to change.

This business is growing in leaps and bounds and light bulbs are going on all around the world. Tons of people are making great money with it just by following the simple steps. And that's just changing a few light bulbs a week.

So get yourself over to the LIGHT BULB turn key system at zero cost.

Moving early counts.

Do it now.


The remaining have been borrowed from the website source URL Comments section and summarized below.

How many bloggers does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one. But if he did a really good job changing that bulb, you'll hear & read about the light bulb change for years afterward. (And it will crop up in the most unlikely places.)

How Many Podcasters does it take to change a light bulb?

11: One to change the bulb 10 to listen to him do it later that day. But afterward he'll tell you that hundreds of people listen to him change light bulbs each week.

How many Adsense publishers does it take to change a light bulb?

7001. One to change the bulb, and 7000 to keep flicking the switch on and off till it breaks.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward http://bit.ly/fbFnrk
@Rimaaggarwa Thank you for the follow Rima, Have a blessed day in Roma:) http://bit.ly/hyBXqN

Happy thanksgiving to all my US freinds.

Have a great one one an all! :D

And a special blessing to you from South Africa ~Daniel

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. ~Theodore Roosevelt

For flowers that bloom about our feet;

For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;

For song of bird, and hum of bee;

For all things fair we hear or see,

Father in heaven, we thank Thee!

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. ~Fred De Witt Van Amburgh

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is it mice or mouses?… - Cyberwalker.com

Question: We have a different kind of question for CyberWalker. What is the plural of computer mouse -- "mouses" or "mice"? H.K.

Answer: I've been on the trail for an answer to this question for a week and in the process I was snubbed by the very inventor of the computer mouse.

10 reasons I'm dumping my iPad for a Galaxy Tab | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com

The reviews may be mixed, but for Deb Shinder, the choice is clear. See why she's throwing over her iPad in favor of her new Galaxy Tab. Read more

Seven reasons we need managers, not leaders | IT Leadership | TechRepublic.com

The United States is facing a crisis of management. Not leadership. Management.

Nearly three years after the start of “The Great Recession,” there’s still no end in sight. The Feds report that unemployment is +9.5%, but those figures are drastically understated. The real figures include people who have given up looking or are no longer on unemployment insurance — they aren’t counted. If you include those individuals, the real national level is more like 12% - 13%.

Across this country and outside it, people talk about the reasons for the slow recovery of the still-dominant U.S. economy. A lot of reasons are cited. Among the more popular are mortgage issues, fear of inflation/deflation, the growing strength of China, gridlock in the government,…and a lack of leadership.

Each of these is important. But none of them is the most critical factor. The single most important reason is that we have a management issue.

The United States (along with many other Western countries as well) has too many leaders. In fact, I believe that we’re probably “over-led.” And we no longer have enough managers; we’re under-managed.

Slideshow: 10 most dangerous species of IT manager | TechRepublic Photo Gallery

This is seriously funny!

IT veteran Jeff Dray takes a lighthearted look at the types of IT managers and supervisors. We originally published Jeff's list back in 2004. And, I decided to pick a few photos the illustrate Jeff's great descriptions. Enjoy!

Check out Jeff's companion list of 10+ most dangerous species of help desk caller.

-- Bill Detwiler, Head Technology Editor

In my travels through the wilds of the information technology field, I have come across many different species of IT manager. All are from the genus 'Procurator' and are very dangerous in captivity. Some are now on the World Wildlife Federation's At Risk Register. However, there will certainly be no captive breeding program to preserve them as most would be overjoyed if they disappeared from the Earth.

To help classify these dangerous breeds, I've created the following list of species and character descriptions of some common types of managers. These types are loosely based on some managers I have worked for over the years. As ever, this classification should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

Caption by: Jeff Dray

The iPad's big upgrade: Top 10 iOS 4.2 features for business | Tech Sanity Check | TechRepublic.com

Apple has released the first major software update for the iPad. The 4.2 version of iOS brings a slew of new capabilities to the iPad, including many that will be of interest to business professionals and to IT departments that have deployed or are considering a deployment of the iPad.

The update, which is available as a free download through iTunes, is the first jump to iOS 4 for the iPad. The iPhone got iOS 4 in the spring but the iPad has been stuck on iOS 3.2 until now. With iOS 4.2, the two devices are now unified on the same operating system (along with the iPod Touch as well).

Below is my list of the 10 most important iOS 4 updates for iPad business users, along with my screenshot gallery that gives you a quick peak at the new features.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Seven Major Projects CIOs Should Consider During the Next Three Years | ITBusinessEdge.com

With 2011 predicted to be the year when the IT industry will reach nearly $3.5 trillion in revenue and show long-term growth for the next five years, Gartner, Inc. analysts have presented business and IT issues that warrant the greatest attention and demand the clearest strategies for the future.

“We are increasingly living, playing and working in a digital world where people will have no alternatives but to become ‘more digital’ with the assets they have available,” said Stephen Prentice, vice president and Gartner Fellow. “In 2012, the Internet will be 75 times larger than it was in 2002, and if Facebook was a country, it would be the third largest in the world (after China and India). Device and data proliferation is also a reality that cannot be escaped. Smart devices will rise from 60 billion devices in 2010 to more than 200 billion in 2020.”

“Technology is no longer the preserve of the CIO,” said Ken McGee, vice president and Gartner Fellow. “It has become everyone’s property and everyone’s issue.”

With the IT industry on track to show a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4 percent for the next five years, Gartner has identified seven business and IT issues that CIOs should act on during the next three years. “CIOs will need to begin implementing these technologies within three years to meet the six year predictions,” Mr. McGee said.


Criticism is an Important Part of Thinking | [chrisbrogan.com]

When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints. ~Samuel Johnson

Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. ~Proverb

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. ~Frank A. Clark

The First Unofficial Guide to Dropbox [Save PDF or Read Online]

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13 of Today's Hottest Tech Skills | ITBusinessEdge.com

It’s interesting to see how demand changes for the various IT skills in the job market. In an update to a similar slideshow from March, Dice.com offers this insight into the jobs of today. Click through to see some of the most in-demand skills and their growth on the site in the past year.


Scareware SEO attack exploits engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton | Naked Security

Prince William and Kate Middleton announce their royal engagement - but who's that waiting in the wings? Hackers poison search engine results to spread their fake anti-virus attacks. Watch this video from SophosLabs to see the threat in action, and ensure your anti-virus protection is up-to-date.

FAQ: Security and Facebook’s new messages system | Naked Security

Everything you need to know about Facebook's new message system but were too afraid to ask. It's not email as we know it, but it could still suffer from security threats like spam and malware. Make sure you are clued-up and are ready before it impacts users in your company.

Free anti-virus for Mac – 150,000 active users and plenty of malware found | Naked Security

Think there's nothing for an anti-virus to find on your Mac? Think again. Record-breaking numbers of people are downloading Sophos's free anti-virus for Mac home users, and now we can reveal the most commonly encountered malware that users of Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition are seeing.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Daily Brainstorm | Check out this cool site! Get your free copy of 23 Ways to Rock Your Mind

From the Editors of The Daily Brainstorm:

23 Ways to Rock Your Mind

Get Your FREE Ebook Here!

Real Ideas For A Brilliant Life

A jam-packed 73-page book with actionable strategies, ideas, and inspiration, written by the staff of The Daily Brainstorm, all successful bloggers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

Each article is brimming with mind-rocking information, providing you the necessary tools to make real, sustainable changes for a brilliant life.

Think for a moment how it would feel to have a markedly better life in less than a month! You can -- beginning right now!

“Contentment comes not so much from great wealth as from few wants.” ~Epictetus http://bit.ly/aKG9z5

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why Twitter matters for media organisations | Alan Rusbridger | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Alan Rusbridger: Why Twitter matters for media organisations

In an extract from his Andrew Olle lecture, the Guardian editor-in-chief sets out 15 things Twitter does effectively


Read Alan Rusbridger's lecture in full


“Our thoughts determine our response to life. We are not victims of the world. To the extent that we control our thoughts, we control the world.” ~Jack Brown’s Father http://bit.ly/9dsw0x
“The imagination is the workshop of the soul, where all the plans for individual achievement are shaped.” ~Napoleon Hill http://bit.ly/dpsuJ9
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert Collier http://bit.ly/9uqNK7

De Bono's Simplicity Principles

This snippet of wisdom is related to achieving simplicity in designs. I am storing it here as much for your convenience, as for mine.

Just saw this on Amazon: 'Simplicity' by Edward De Bono (Paperback) for $0.01 http://amzn.to/9XmwYQ

Amplify’d from noscope.com

De Bono's Simplicity Principles

A long while back, I stumbled upon a snippet of wisdom. Fortunately, I wrote it down, because the website that held this info is down. I have managed to track down the source to a Mr. Edward de Bono. His book, “Simplicity“, is available at Amazon.

The snippet of wisdom is related to achieving simplicity in designs. I am storing it here as much for your convenience, as for mine.

Simplicity Principles

  • You need to put a high value on simplicity

    To get simplicity you have to want to get it. To want to get simplicity you have to put a high value on simplicity.

  • You must be determined to seek simplicity

    People quite like simplicity if it does not cost anything but are usually unwilling to invest resources in making something more simple.

  • You need to understand the matter very well

    If you do not seek to understand a situation or process, your efforts will be ‘simplistic’ rather than simple. Simplicity before understanding is worthless.

  • You need to design alternatives

    It is not a matter of designing the ‘one right way’. It is more a matter of designing alternatives and possibilities, and then selecting one of them.

  • You need to challenge and discard existing elements

    Everything needs to justify its continued existence. If you wish to retain something for the sake of tradition let that be a conscious decision.

  • You need to be prepared to start over again

    In the search for Simplicity, modify if you can – start afresh if you cannot.

  • You need to use concepts

    Concepts are the human mind’s way of simplifying the world around. Warning: If you do not use concepts, then you are working with detail.

  • You may need to break things down into smaller unitsThe organisation of a smaller unit is obviously simpler than the organisation of a large unit. The smaller units are themselves organised to serve the larger purpose.

  • You need to be prepared to trade off other values for simplicity

    A system that seeks to be totally comprehensive may be very complex. You may need to trade off that comprehensiveness for simplicity.

  • You need to know for whose sake the simplicity is being designed

    A shift of complexity may mean that a system is made easier for the customer but much more complicated for the operator.
  • Read more at noscope.com

    Simple and Ignorant | chrisbrogan.com

    Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~Albert Einstein

    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~Confucius

    The pleasures of ignorance are as great, in their way, as the pleasures of knowledge. ~Aldous Huxley

    A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance. ~Saul Bellow

    Amplify’d from www.chrisbrogan.com

    Simple and Ignorant

    Learning to Spell


    Chris BroganChris Brogan is President of New Marketing Labs, a new media marketing agency. He works with large and mid-sized companies to improve online business communications like marketing and PR. Read more about Chris...

    A lot of what I do is simple. I help people figure out simple business models. I seek out simple ways to connect buyers to products and services. I seek simple ways to explain complex things. I love simple. Simple is how I get paid, more often than not.

    A lot of what I do is ignorant. I don’t know the answers. I look at the blankness of my experience in an area and I find ways to understand and learn. I love ignorance. Ignorance helps me figure things out from a whole new perspective than the “experts.”

    It’s funny how often we criticize things for being simple or ignorant. I make quite a decent living from both.

    Related posts:

    1. Simple Is Best

    2. Simple Calls to Action

    3. A Simple Blogging Formula

    4. Why Simple Still Wins

    5. The Beauty in Simple Stories

    Read more at www.chrisbrogan.com

    Saturday, November 20, 2010

    “Listening is the core of communication and possibly more important than anything you will ever even say. And the reason is simple: people need to feel that they are valued and that what they say matters.” ~Lesley Moore http://bit.ly/czkFI5

    Friday, November 19, 2010

    Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone


    Once upon a time you dressed so fine

    You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ?

    People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"

    You thought they were all kiddin' you

    You used to laugh about

    Everybody that was hangin' out

    Now you don't talk so loud

    Now you don't seem so proud

    About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

    How does it feel

    How does it feel

    To be without a home

    Like a complete unknown

    Like a rolling stone ?

    You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely

    But you know you only used to get juiced in it

    And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street

    And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it

    You said you'd never compromise

    With the mystery tramp, but now you realize

    He's not selling any alibis

    As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes

    And say do you want to make a deal?

    How does it feel

    How does it feel

    To be on your own

    With no direction home

    Like a complete unknown

    Like a rolling stone ?

    You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns

    When they all come down and did tricks for you

    You never understood that it ain't no good

    You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you

    You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat

    Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

    Ain't it hard when you discover that

    He really wasn't where it's at

    After he took from you everything he could steal.

    How does it feel

    How does it feel

    To be on your own

    With no direction home

    Like a complete unknown

    Like a rolling stone ?

    Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people

    They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made

    Exchanging all precious gifts

    But you'd better take your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe

    You used to be so amused

    At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

    Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse

    When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose

    You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

    How does it feel

    How does it feel

    To be on your own

    With no direction home

    Like a complete unknown

    Like a rolling stone ?

    Amplify’d from www.youtube.com

    Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone

    See more at www.youtube.com

    Fleetwood Mac - As Long As You Follow (Video)

    Notice the subtle difference in the lyrics of Christine McVie compared to those of Anna Ternheim - I'll Follow You Tonight (my previous post). As Dylan said: "...for the times they are a changing...". Have a good night.

    Amplify’d from www.youtube.com

    Fleetwood Mac - As Long As You Follow (Video)

    See more at www.youtube.com

    Anna Ternheim - I'll Follow You Tonight (Offical Musicvideo)

    This young lady has such a beautiful voice!

    Amplify’d from www.youtube.com

    Anna Ternheim - I'll Follow You Tonight (Offical Musicvideo)

    See more at www.youtube.com

    “ If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all. ” ~Michelangelo (1475–1564) Italian painter and sculptor #JustSell http://bit.ly/9ywCmA
    If you hold on to the handle, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you. ~Brian Andreas #IMT http://bit.ly/apYciW

    Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere (Rare version)

    Great old song! Happy Friday to you all!

    Amplify’d from www.youtube.com

    Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere (Rare version)

    See more at www.youtube.com

    @ronthoughts Thank you for the follow Ron! Interesting thoughts! http://bit.ly/b2Wg9o
    @margarethardie Thank you for the follow Margaret! I really hope you enjoy Amplify! http://bit.ly/9AXD2W

    Thursday, November 18, 2010

    @SyedmRaza Thanks for the follow Syed! http://bit.ly/aJ7g8Z
    @GoalsOnTrack Hi Harry! Thank you for the follow! http://bit.ly/b8pDWy

    Tablet Takeover [INFOGRAPHIC] | The Universe...

    What do you think? Will tablets replace what we currently have in our homes?

    As the technologies improve or become smarter, I think we will see the convergence between what were able to with PCs/MACs, Tablets/Pads and Smartphones.

    Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2011 | ITBusinessEdge.com

    Gartner, Inc. recently highlighted the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations in 2011.

    Gartner defines a strategic technology as one with the potential for significant impact on the enterprise in the next three years. Factors that denote significant impact include a high potential for disruption to IT or the business, the need for a major dollar investment, or the risk of being late to adopt.

    A strategic technology may be an existing technology that has matured and/or become suitable for a wider range of uses. It may also be an emerging technology that offers an opportunity for strategic business advantage for early adopters or with potential for significant market disruption in the next five years. As such, these technologies impact the organization's long-term plans, programs and initiatives.

    “Companies should factor these top 10 technologies in their strategic planning process by asking key questions and making deliberate decisions about them during the next two years,” said David Cearley, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner.

    “Sometimes the decision will be to do nothing with a particular technology,” said Carl Claunch, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “In other cases, it will be to continue investing in the technology at the current rate. In still other cases, the decision may be to test or more aggressively deploy the technology.”

    @disability Hi Rudy, thank you for the follow. I look forward to your posts. http://bit.ly/bDtiyZ
    @coxffion Thank you ffion for the follow! http://bit.ly/cteB68
    @rapichat Thank you Dennis for the follow! http://bit.ly/9KeNZ9
    @msrubin Hi Michael! Thank you for the follow! http://bit.ly/bx03zi

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    "Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them." ~Lady Bird Johnson http://bit.ly/bEp1XQ
    "When the uncapped potential of a student meets the liberating art of a teacher...a miracle unfolds."~Mary Hatwood Futrell http://bit.ly/aiZeGt
    @autoinfoz Thank you for the follow Mike! http://bit.ly/d7tG4M
    “Everything you have in your life you have attracted to yourself because of the person you are.” ~Brian Tracy http://bit.ly/cxi167
    Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid of standing still. ~ Japanese Proverb http://bit.ly/bySh1W

    Google CEO talks about the coming mobile revolution

    Change is inevitable!

    Google CEO talks about the coming mobile revolution

    • Date: November 16th, 2010
    • Author: Jason Hiner

    On Monday at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, Google CEO Eric Schmidt did a wide-ranging interview  in which he shared new details about where Google sees the mobile revolution heading in the years ahead.

    Schmidt talked about:

    • The next version of Android (codenamed “Gingerbread”)

    • Turning phones into digital wallets

    • Integrating Near Field Communications (NFC) into next-gen smartphones

    • Net Neutrality in the wireless world

    • The differences between Android and Chrome OS

    • Google’s approach to building its own devices

    The Google chief also showed off an “unannounced” Android device running Gingerbread. This appears to confirm the recent rumors about the Google Nexus S, the successor to the Nexus One that is supposedly built by Samsung (similar to Galaxy S) and runs the stock Android OS and will be available through T-Mobile rather than being an unlocked device like the Nexus One.

    Jason HinerJason Hiner is the Editor in Chief of TechRepublic and an award-winning journalist. He examines the latest trends and asks the big questions about the technology industry. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and at JasonHiner.com.

    Read more at blogs.techrepublic.com.com

    @steveathmp Hi hmp Staff! I just happened to bump into you while wandering around Amplify! Have a blessed day! http://bit.ly/bX9KwH

    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    "Perseverance is not a long race: it is many short races one after another." ~Walter Elliot http://bit.ly/98mJua
    @miad20 Hi Mia! Thanks for the follow http://bit.ly/a69QeR

    Cold calling. Just another step in scareware evolution | Naked Security

    Cold calls - the latest step in fake anti-virus evolution

    Get Safe Online has revealed that one in four UK web users have been subjected to fake anti-virus cold calls. Is this surprising news? Fraser Howard takes a look at the various techniques that scareware has used over the past few years.

    Free Mac Anti-Virus: We just can’t win.. | Naked Security

    Free anti-virus for Mac users: A dastardly plot by Sophos?

    Just *why* has Sophos released a free anti-virus for Mac home users? We've heard plenty of conspiracy theories, but if you haven't already guessed learn why we're giving it away for free. Also, be sure to check out an early indepth review of Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition.



    How Your Brain Connects the Future to the Past - Jeff Brown and Mark Fenske - Your Health at Work - Harvard Business Review

    3 Ways to Cultivate Your Proactive Brain

    Studies have shown that a good memory helps you better navigate the future. And in business, anticipating and negotiating future demands is an asset. A proactive brain uses details from past experiences to make analogies with your current surroundings. It then helps you determine where you are and envision future possibilities. We are all born with proactive brains, but these three things can help improve brain performance:

    1. Give it a lot to work with. Create a richer pool of information to draw from. Expose your brain to diverse experiences and situations.

    2. Borrow from others. Find out as much as you can about others' experiences by talking, interacting with, and reading about other peoples' lives.

    3. Let your mind wander. Undisturbed time gives your brain the space it needs to recall and recombine past experiences in ways that help you anticipate the future.

    @SherryDekker Thank you for the follow Sherry! I look forward to your posts here on Amplify! Have a wonderful Tuesday! http://bit.ly/aHVUUX
    @CovalentCPM Thank you for the follow Tricia. I look forward to your posts on Amplify! Have a stupendous Tuesday! ~Daniel http://bit.ly/9KrlXl

    Monday, November 15, 2010

    @LTOR Hi Louie, bumped into you on Amplify while wandering around. I enjoy your posts. Have a stupendous week. ~Daniel http://bit.ly/cn82W0
    @amitsharmaseo Welcome to Amplify, Amit! Thank you for the follow!! http://bit.ly/bwBGWH
    @auto_india Welcome to Amplify and thank you for the follow~Daniel http://bit.ly/9AJLVX
    “Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.” ~Og Mandino http://bit.ly/amDJXc
    “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” ~Thomas Jefferson http://bit.ly/cMosyZ
    “Always, always, always keep your commitments. Do what you say – and more.” ~Bud Bilanich http://bit.ly/9apXMj

    An excerpt from You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School by Mac Anderson | simpletruths.com

    An excerpt from

    You Can't Send a Duck to Eagle School

    by Mac Anderson

    Not long ago, a friend sent me the story of "Old Warwick." It brought a smile to my face, and I think it shares a wonderful lesson for every leader to learn.

    A man was lost while driving through the country. As he tried to reach for the map, he accidentally drove off the road into a ditch. Thought he wasn't injured, his car was stuck deep in the mud. So the man walked to a nearby farm to ask for help. "Warwick can get you out of that ditch," said the farmer, pointing to an old mule standing in a field. The man looked at the decrepit old mule and looked at the farmer who just stood there repeating,

    "Yep, old Warwick can do the job." The man figured he had nothing to lose. The two men and the mule made their way back to the ditch. The farmer hitched the mule to the car. With a snap of the reins, he shouted,

    "Pull, Fred! Pull, Jack! Pull, Ted! Pull, Warwick!"

    And the mule pulled that car right out of the ditch.

    The man was amazed. He thanked the farmer, patted the mule, and asked, "Why did you call out all of those names before you called Warwick?"

    The farmer grinned and said, "Old Warwick is just about blind. As long as he believes he's part of a team, he doesn't mind pulling."

    Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to obtain uncommon results.

    @ShellyKramer Thank you for following Shelly! If I may ask without Googling: What on earth are MilkDuds? :) Have a stupendous week! ~Daniel http://bit.ly/bTeZ3e
    @kkoolook Hi Constantine K.K.! Iwas wondering around on Amplify and just happened to bump into you. Man! You have some talent there! I hope we get know each other better. Have a stupendous week. http://bit.ly/cetCxo
    @karandesirecool Oh! And , don't forget to say it with flowers!:) http://bit.ly/9pNhZd
    @karandesirecool Thank you Julie for following. I really hope that enjoy Amplify! Lot's of SEO intellectuals here. Enjoy exploring the world. Have a stupendous week. http://bit.ly/cz7BaB

    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    @DiamondMindTom Welcome to Amplify,.Tom! Thank you for following. Amplify contains many deep reservoirs. I'm looking forward to your posts. http://bit.ly/9ADvpY