Thursday, November 11, 2010

Online content often a victim of plagiarism | Career Management |

Toni Bowers, Head Blogs Editor on Career Management at writes:

In past blogs, I’ve recommended that IT pros increase their (positive) web presence by writing technical articles. This can be done in a personal blog or by writing-for-pay for technical publications.

In light of a recent event that has been making the blogosphere rounds, I feel the need to make you guys aware of one the caveats of writing for money on the web: People will steal your stuff.

Sometimes they’ll steal it without really knowing the concept of plagiarism. They’ll run your piece and retain your byline but on their site and without asking your permission in advance. Basically they’re getting the content someone else paid for, for free. This would be a great business model if it were, oh I don’t know, LEGAL. Also, it harms the bottom line of the online business that actually paid for the content, since most of those businesses depend on Google traffic and incoming links.

Read on:

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