Friday, January 14, 2011

7 Year Reading Challenge - Learning from the Masters | The Jeff Lewis

“If you will read for 15 minutes every night rather than watching television,

you will complete about 15 books per year.

If you read in the great classics of

English Literature for 15 minutes each day, in about 7 years you will have read

the 100 greatest books ever written. You will be one of the best educated and

most erudite of your generation. And you can achieve this just by reading 15

minutes each evening before you go to bed.”

-Brian Tracy

You can dramatically change your life in just 15 minutes a day!

There is not one single reason that I can think of that could keep me from performing this simple action every, single day. 15 minutes a day is such a tiny amount of time. Every day I waste more than 15 minutes just thinking out what to eat for dinner.

My list is here(Taken from the book A Well Educated Mind:

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